EuroGlassColor provides high-quality production services.Forms for the subsequent manufacture of glass bottles of any complexity on them. At the very modern equipment, with the involvement of highly qualified specialists. We carry out a full cycle of production of molds for BB, PB, NNPB manufacturing processes for glass containers. We have additional production of NNPB tooling, plungers and bronze throat rings. We also make holders of clean and draft forms, universal adapters, retiree grippers with graphite inset. Our production is equipped with the latest high-precision processing equipment, production capacity allows to produce up to 300 Form sets per month. Our work is based on ISO quality guidelines. 9001: 2015. We constantly invest in research and development, and same in modern production technology, such as:
- induction heat treatment followed by metallization, plasma spraying
- vacuum fusion technology “Protec”;
- full profile coating;
- own design department: design using systems omputer-aided design CAD, CAM (two and three-dimensional);
- the newest multi-axis centers with automatic billet transfer and two chucks for turning and milling work.
In the manufacture of finishing and roughing forms, several types of cast iron of different manufacturers (France, Italy, Slovenia), various chemical composition, structure and mechanical properties. At the request of the client may use any cast iron. Among our regular customers are large European, Russian, Ukrainian and Moldavian glass factories. We are ready to take on yourself the whole process of work:
- from the development of a sketch of a glass product to the launch of a production batch products;
- design development;
- design of the product and its coordination with the customer;
- development of a working drawing and 3-D models of glassware;
- manufacture of solid-state layout and additional coordination of the appearance products with the customer;
- calculation of design documentation for form kit;
- production and delivery of the test form kit to the factory;
- the presence of our specialists in the experimental formulation of a form kit (with necessary);
- amendment of drawings and revision of test forms for re-testing;
- production of the main form kit, customs clearance and its delivery to glass factory. Terms of deliveries of mold sets: test from 20 days, full FC from 35 days.